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These utilities have to do with token references/aliases.


Whether or not a token value contains references

import StyleDictionary from 'style-dictionary';
import { usesReferences } from 'style-dictionary/utils';
usesReferences('{}'); // true
usesReferences('solid {border.width} {border.color}'); // true
usesReferences('5px'); // false
usesReferences('[]', {
opening_character: '[',
closing_character: ']',
}); // true


Takes a token value string value and resolves any reference inside it

import StyleDictionary from 'style-dictionary';
import { resolveReferences } from 'style-dictionary/utils';
const sd = new StyleDictionary({
tokens: {
colors: {
black: {
value: '#000',
type: 'color',
spacing: {
2: {
value: '2px',
type: 'dimension',
border: {
value: 'solid {spacing.2} {}',
resolveReferences(sd.tokens.border.value, sd.tokens); // "solid 2px #000"
resolveReferences('solid {spacing.2} {}', sd.tokens); // alternative way, yet identical to line above -> "solid 2px #000"
resolveReferences('solid {spacing.2} {}', sd.tokens, { usesDtcg: true }); // Assumes DTCG spec format, with $ prefix ($value, $type)

You can pass a third options argument where you can pass some configuration options for how references are resolved:

  • usesDtcg boolean, if set to true, the resolveReferences utility will assume DTCG syntax ($value props)
  • warnImmediately boolean, true by default. You should only set this to false if you know that this utility is used used inside of the Transform lifecycle hook of Style Dictionary, allowing the errors to be grouped and only thrown at the end of the transform step (end of exportPlatform method).


Whether or not a token value contains references

import StyleDictionary from 'style-dictionary';
import { getReferences } from 'style-dictionary/utils';
const sd = new StyleDictionary({
tokens: {
colors: {
black: {
value: '#000',
type: 'color',
spacing: {
2: {
value: '2px',
type: 'dimension',
border: {
value: 'solid {spacing.2} {}',
getReferences(sd.tokens.border.value, sd.tokens);
getReferences('solid {spacing.2} {}', sd.tokens); // alternative way, yet identical to line above
getReferences('solid {spacing.2} {}', sd.tokens, { usesDtcg: true }); // Assumes DTCG spec format, with $ prefix ($value, $type)
* [
* { value: '2px', type: 'dimension', ref: ['spacing', '2'] },
* { value: '#000', type: 'color', ref: ['colors', 'black'] }
* ]

You can pass a third options argument where you can pass some configuration options for how references are resolved:

  • usesDtcg boolean, if set to true, the resolveReferences utility will assume DTCG syntax ($value props)
  • unfilteredTokens, assuming the second tokens argument is your filtered tokens object where filters have already done its work, you’ll likely want to pass the unfiltered set in case the reference you’re trying to find no longer exist in the filtered set, but you still want to get the reference values. This is useful when you’re writing your own custom format with an outputReferences feature and you want to prevent outputting refs that no longer exist in the filtered set.
  • warnImmediately boolean, true by default. You should only set this to false if you know that this utility is used inside of the Format lifecycle hook of Style Dictionary, allowing the errors to be grouped and only thrown at the end of the format step.

Complicated example

You can use the getReferences utility to create your own custom formats that have outputReferences capability.

import StyleDictionary from 'style-dictionary';
import { usesReferences, getReferences, fileHeader } from 'style-dictionary/utils';
import { transformGroups } from 'style-dictionary/enums';
const sd = new StyleDictionary({
tokens: {
colors: {
black: {
value: '#000',
type: 'color',
spacing: {
2: {
value: '2px',
type: 'dimension',
zIndex: {
// number example.. which should stay a number in the output
aboveFold: {
value: 1,
type: 'other',
semantic: {
bg: {
primary: {
value: '{}',
type: 'color',
border: {
value: 'solid {spacing.2} {}',
platforms: {
es6: {
transformGroup: transformGroups.js,
files: [
format: 'es6',
destination: 'output.js',
options: {
outputReferences: true,
// More complex case
// Note that this example format does not account for token values that are arrays or objects
name: 'es6',
format: async (dictionary) => {
const { allTokens, options, file } = dictionary;
const isNumeric = (str) => {
if (typeof str !== 'string') return false;
return (
!isNaN(str) && // use type coercion to parse the _entirety_ of the string (`parseFloat` alone does not do this)...
!isNaN(parseFloat(str)) // ...and ensure strings of whitespace fail
const compileTokenValue = (token) => {
let value = `${token.value}`;
const original = `${token.original.value}`;
const originalIsReferenceExclusively = original.match(/^\{.+\}$/g);
const shouldOutputRef =
usesReferencess(original) &&
(typeof options.outputReferences === 'function'
? outputReferences(token, { dictionary })
: options.outputReferences);
if (shouldOutputRef) {
value = original;
if (!originalIsReferenceExclusively) {
// since we're putting references back and value is not exclusively a reference, use template literals
value = `\`${value}\``;
const refs = getReferences(dictionary, original);
refs.forEach((ref) => {
// check if the ref has a value, path and name property, meaning that a name transform
// that creates the token name is mandatory for this format to function properly
if (['value', 'name', 'path'].every((prop) => Object.hasOwn(ref, prop))) {
value = value.replace(
// e.g. `{}` or `{}`
// replaced by `${fooBarQux}`
new RegExp(`{${ref.path.join('.')}(.value)?}`, 'g'),
originalIsReferenceExclusively ? : `\${${}}`,
return value;
return isNumeric(value) ? value : JSON.stringify(value);
const header = await fileHeader({ file });
return `${header}${allTokens.reduce((acc, token) => {
return (
acc +
`export const ${} = ${compileTokenValue(token)}; ${
token.comment ? `// ${token.comment}` : ''
}, '')}`;
await sd.buildAllPlatforms();
// output below
* Do not edit directly
* Generated on Thu, 07 Dec 2023 14:44:53 GMT
export const ColorsBlack = '#000';
export const Spacing2 = '2px';
export const ZIndexAboveFold = 1;
export const SemanticBgPrimary = ColorsBlack;
export const Border = `solid ${Spacing2} ${SemanticBgPrimary}`;


An OutputReferences function that filters for tokens containing references to other tokens that are filtered out in the output. Usually Style Dictionary will throw a warning when you’re using outputReferences: true and are about to have a broken reference in your output because the token you’re referencing is filtered out. What that means is that you usually have to either adjust your filter or disable outputReferences altogether, but supplying a function instead allows you to conditionally output references on a per token basis.

import StyleDictionary from 'style-dictionary';
import { outputReferencesFilter } from 'style-dictionary/utils';
import { formats, transformGroups } from 'style-dictionary/enums';
const sd = new StyleDictionary({
tokens: {
colors: {
black: {
value: '#000',
type: 'color',
grey: {
// filtering this one out
value: '#ccc',
type: 'color',
spacing: {
2: {
value: '2px',
type: 'dimension',
border: {
value: 'solid {spacing.2} {}',
shadow: {
// danger: references a filtered out token!
value: '0 4px 2px {colors.grey}',
platforms: {
css: {
transformGroup: transformGroups.css,
files: [
destination: 'vars.css',
format: formats.cssVariables,
filter: (token) => !== 'colors-grey',
options: {
// returns false for the shadow token because it refs color-grey which is filtered out
outputReferences: outputReferencesFilter,


:root {
--spacing-2: 2rem;
--colors-black: #000000;
--shadow: 0 4px 2px #cccccc;
--border: solid var(--spacing-2) var(--colors-black);

Note that --colors-grey was filtered out and therefore the shadow does not contain a CSS custom property (reference) but rather the resolved value.

Live Demo:


An outputReferences function that checks for each token whether the value has changed through a transitive transform compared to the original value where references are resolved.

import StyleDictionary from 'style-dictionary';
import { outputReferencesTransformed } from 'style-dictionary/utils';
import { formats, transformGroups } from 'style-dictionary/enums';
const sd = new StyleDictionary({
tokens: {
base: {
value: '#000',
type: 'color',
referred: {
value: 'rgba({base}, 12%)',
type: 'color',
platforms: {
css: {
transformGroup: transformGroups.css,
// see
// this transform handles rgba(#000, 0.12) -> rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)
// as a transitive transform
transforms: ['ts/color/css/hexrgba'],
files: [
destination: 'vars.css',
format: formats.cssVariables,
options: {
outputReferences: outputReferencesTransformed,


:root {
--base: #000;
--referred: rgba(0, 0, 0, 12%);

Note that --referred is using the resolved value that is a transformed version of --base instead of rgba(var(--base), 12%) which would be invalid CSS. This can be verified by setting outputReferences to true in the demo below.

Live Demo:

Combining multiple outputReference utility functions

These utility functions can be quite easily combined together:

import StyleDictionary from 'style-dictionary';
import { outputReferencesFilter, outputReferencesTransformed } from 'style-dictionary/utils';
import { formats, transformGroups } from 'style-dictionary/enums';
const sd = new StyleDictionary({
platforms: {
css: {
transformGroup: transformGroups.css,
files: [
destination: 'vars.css',
format: formats.cssVariables,
options: {
outputReferences: (token, options) =>
outputReferencesFilter(token, options) && outputReferencesTransformed(token, options),