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These utilities have to do with processing/formatting tokens object.


Flatten dictionary tokens object to an array of flattened tokens.

import StyleDictionary from 'style-dictionary';
import { flattenTokens } from 'style-dictionary/utils';
const sd = new StyleDictionary({
tokens: {
colors: {
black: {
value: '#000',
type: 'color',
name: 'colors-black',
spacing: {
2: {
value: '2px',
type: 'dimension',
name: 'spacing-2',
border: {
value: 'solid {spacing.2} {}',
name: 'border',
const flat = flattenTokens(sd);
* [
* { value: '#000', type: 'color', name: 'colors-black' },
* { value: '2px', type: 'dimension', name: 'spacing-2' },
* { value: 'solid {spacing.2} {}', name: 'border' }
* ]